The Literacy Project is a 501c3 organization registered in the state of Maryland.
Our work lifts up the stories of those who are teaching literacy to others or working to achieve literacy themselves. We use the documentary medium to connect with and contribute to present-day movements for literacy and education justice.
We promote the notion that literacy, in the broadest sense, is possible for all. Through documentary projects that collect and share stories about education, with an emphasis on the role of literacy work in social justice movements throughout the Americas, we seek to learn from successful experiences and apply those lessons to current struggles for justice.
We envision a world in which all people have access to quality education, a voice in their community, and tap into their power to transform their lives and world.
Our current board members are Kofi Taha, Margarita Fernandez, Catherine Murphy, Judith Murphy, and Susan Sillins.
Our Tax ID is 20-5485155
You can reach us at: theliteracyproject@gmail.com